Clone Wars Fannon Wiki
Midnight Operations
Midnight ops


  • Surpreme Chancellor Palpatine


Notable Members:



21 BBY




  • Rise of the Empire Era
  • Rebellion Era

The Midnight Operations (Midnight Ops.) was a elite battalion of clone troopers under the command of Jedi Knight Galein Starkiller and CT-1312. It was at first led by Captain Rex and Sergeant Appo, but, as the increasing threats on other worlds by the Separartists increased, the Chancellor thought it best that fall into Galein Starkiller's and CT-1312's hands.


The Midnight Ops. followed the 501st on numerous worlds. And usaully whenever you see the 501st Legion you'll see the Midnight Ops. Their most successful missionswere on Umbara when they were tasked on a sniper mission to take out Umbaran Commanders and snipe cockpits of tanks. Then At the Umbaran Airbase They were again on sniper posistion and guard duty. During Operation: Knightfall half of the battalion took on sniper posistion while the other half murdered Jedi in the front lines with Captain Fi. During the Riegn of the Galactic Empire the Midnight Ops. were the Emperor's defenders and even trained the elite Shadow Troopers.


A Midnight Ops. trooper with two other 501st troopers on Umbara


Midnight Ops. ARC Troopers


During the Clone Wars their armor was normal Phase I gear. During Operation: Knightfall their armor was jet-black and laced with durasteel. And later during the Galactic Civil War their armor was transparant like a ghost. And had armor weave and durastell weaved into the armor to better protect themselves from flak and

264px-Clone trooper

A Midnight Ops. trooper in Phase II armor during Operation: Knightfall



  • DC-15S
  • DC-15A
  • E-11
  • E-Web
  • Thermal Detonators
  • Mines
  • Grenades
  • Rangefinders
  • Macrobinoculars
  • Mortar launchers

Known Members

Midnight Operations
Laff (clone trooper) Flak Wep CT-1312
CC-6573 Brik Giz CT-34/9805


  • Children of the Force (first appearance)
  • Knightfall
  • Final Encounter
  • Star Wars: A Soldier's Life: Book I: Black and White
  • The Darkening Storm
  • A New Hope (movie)
  • Return of the Jedi (movie)
  • Revenge of the Sith (movie)
  • Attack of the Clones (movie)
